Marriage & Relationship Tips – Gospello Creating a new insights for the Kingdom Sat, 20 Apr 2024 00:30:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Marriage & Relationship Tips – Gospello 32 32 218446574 How to Position Yourself Well As A Lady To Attract Mr. Right Sat, 20 Apr 2024 00:28:16 +0000 [...]]]> This is for that lady who’s passionate about finding Mr. Right in 2024. I believe this year won’t pass you by in Jesus name as you read this article till the end.

Are you tired of waiting for Mr. Right to come and ask for your hand in marriage? Are you always wondering what you can do to increase your chances of finding the man of your dreams? Well, you’re in luck because today we’re diving into some practical tips on how to position yourself well as a lady to attract Mr. Right.

5 Ways to Position Yourself Well As A Lady To Attract Mr. Right:

1. Know Yourself In And Out

Before you can attract the right person into your life, you need to know who you are and what you want as a lady. Take the time to discover your values, interests, and goals. When you have fully understand yourself then you’ll be better equipped to attract someone who aligns with your vision for the future.

2. Develop Confidence

Confidence is key when it comes to attracting the Mr. Right. Believe in yourself and your worth, and don’t be afraid to showcase your unique qualities. I’m sure you that confidence is attractive, and it will draw the right kind of attention from potential suitors to come ask you out for a real date.

3. Be Authentic

Don’t try to be someone you’re not in order to impress others or attract the man that is not meant for you. Authenticity is attractive, and it will draw people who appreciate you for who you truly are. Be genuine in your interactions and let your true personality shine through.

4. Chase Your Passions

One of the best ways to attract Mr. Right is to focus on your own passions and interests. Chase activities and hobbies that bring you joy and fulfillment. Not only will this make you a more interesting and purposeful person, but it will also increase your chances of meeting someone who shares your interests and purpose for life.

5. Practice Patience

See, you need to know that finding the right partner takes time, so don’t rush the process. Trust that the right person will come along at the right time. In the meantime, focus on becoming the best version of yourself and enjoy the journey of self-discovery and finding who you truly are. When a guy meets you chasing your dreams and finding purpose for your life, he will surely respect you as a lady because you will bring so much alue to his life.

By following these tips, you can position yourself well to attract Mr. Right into your life. Meanwhile, stay true to yourself, cultivate confidence, pursue your purpose, and be patient. The right person is out there searching for someone like you, and when you least expect it, they’ll come into your life and make it even more beautiful.

Youre blessed in the city! Amen.

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5 Habits To Avoid At Home As A Wife That Can Destroy Your Marriage Fri, 19 Apr 2024 23:53:58 +0000 [...]]]> As a wife, maintaining a healthy and happy marriage is a must. But, certain habits can unknowingly harm our relationship with our spouse in your marriage of you’re not careful with your habits at home.

To ensure a strong and lasting marriage with your husband, it’s important to be mindful of these destructive habits and work towards avoiding them at all cost.

Here are 5 Habits to Avoid at Home as a Wife That Can Destroy Your Marriage below:

  1. The wife that wins all arguments with her husband is not wise. The home is not a law court.
  2. The wife that uses sex as a weapon in the home – placing embargo, going to bed in tight wears like a banks secret vault, lacks wisdom.
  3. The wife that uses the modern trends and laws of “women’s rights” to insult or ridicule her husband, simply makes a fool of herself.
  4. A woman that makes her home devoid of peace through bickering, nagging and quarrels needs help. A man should be eager to run away from office to be at home, for that should be the safest and coziest place on earth for him. Therefore, don’t take that away from him.
  5. Modern-day equality in marriage does not mean competition. It simply means partnership. Taking advantage of such equality to turn around and become the de facto head of the home and oppress the man is tantamount to playing with fire.

If you destroy your home, soon you will be the boss of an empty home.

A wise wife makes the man feel so good that he assumes that he is the head. Once he gets that feeling, the woman gently wields her power and the head actually turns to wherever the neck wants without a protest.

A wife that does not pull herself away from friends’ influence and advice or even from the control of her mother and father will have herself to blame.

When a man is looking for a wife, he bypasses women of different shapes and sizes to choose a wife. But soon after childbirth, many women hide under the excuse of childbirth to let go of themselves. Many stop bothering about their looks, shape, dressing, etc.

Within 5 years of marriage, people start wondering if the wife is the man’s aunt, even though she is 7 years younger. Her defense is that if he truly loves her, he should love her the way she is. But when looking for a wife, he saw people like the present YOU and ignored them and settled for the former YOU.

Today, you go to bed smelling of onions and pap.

You go to bed wearing grandmothers’ clothes. Why are you playing with your Marriage? Tying wrapper like his grandma. You need help 🤦.


From Pst God’stime C Edward 👑

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5 Essential Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage and Avoid Divorce as a Christian Couple Tue, 16 Apr 2024 18:37:47 +0000 [...]]]> 5 Essential Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage and Avoid Divorce as a Christian Couple.

Hey there, This article is for married couples out there. We all know that marriage is such a beautiful journey ordained by God, but it also comes with its own challenges and tribulations, right?

As Christian couples, we’re called to honor and cherish our marriage vows, and that includes taking intentional steps to avoid divorce in other tot make out marriage work for good because forever is the goal.

Here are 5 essential ways to strengthen your marriage below 👇👇

1. Take Communication Seriously

Communication is key in any relationship, and in marriage, it’s absolutely vital. Make time to talk openly and honestly with each other about your feelings, concerns, and dreams. Listen actively and strive to understand each other’s perspective.

2. Develop Real Intimacy

Intimacy goes beyond physical mere closeness; it’s all about emotional connection and spiritual unity. Take time to nurture your bond by spending quality time together as a couple and also engaging in meaningful conversations that will strengthen your intimacy, and also express love and affection to one another all the time.

3. Practice Forgiveness Everyday

Let’s face it, we all make mistakes. Learning to forgive, forget and let go of past hurts from your spouse is crucial for a blissful marriage. Remember the grace and forgiveness God has extended to you, and extend the same to your spouse. Choose to forgive and forget, even when it’s difficult or hard to do so.

4. Seek God Together

As Christian couples, our faith as a couple is the foundation of our marriage. Setting prayer times, Bible study, and attending church together must be a priority in your relationship.

Seek God’s guidance and wisdom in all aspects of your marriage, trusting in His plan for your lives.

5. Invest in Marriage Counseling

Don’t hesitate to seek professional help when needed. Marriage counseling can provide valuable insights, and support to overcome challenges, tribulations and help strengthen your relationship. Don’t wait until it’s too late; prioritize your marriage’s health and seek help when necessary.

Marriage is a lifetime journey, and it takes commitment, patience, and effort from both partners to make it work. With God at the center of your relationship, you can overcome any obstacle and build a love that lasts forever.

Stay strong, stay faithful, and may your marriage be a testimony of God’s grace and love. We love and celebrate you.

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5 Genuine Ways to Toast That Beautiful Lady in Church as a Christian Brother Tue, 16 Apr 2024 12:56:01 +0000 [...]]]> 5 Genuine Ways to Toast a Lady in Church as a Christian Brother.

Hey fam! So, you’ve been eyeing that special sister in church and you’re thinking of making your move, right? Well, as Christian young men, we need to do some certain things the right way, keeping it godly, fun and respectful. No worries, I got you covered with these 5 genuine ways to toast a lady in church as a Christian brother. Do you know why? Because you don’t have any other option that’s why you’re here 😂😂😂. Just kidding.

1. Start with Prayer

Before you even think of approaching that beautiful lady in your church, pray about it. Ask God for guidance and wisdom in your pursuit, and I don’t mean you should start 3 days dry fasting o.. but pray about it. And also Remember this, His will is always the best for us.

2. Be Genuine

When you finally gather the courage to talk to her, be yourself. Don’t try to be someone you’re not just to impress her. Authenticity and originality goes a long way and she’ll appreciate you for who you truly are and not the fake life you pretend to be in other to woo her.

3. Show Interest in Her Faith (Believe)

Since you’re both in the same church, it’s a great idea to connect over with your faith. Ask her about her spiritual journey, share yours, and discuss things that you guys are both passionate about in your walk with God.

4. Respect Boundaries

As you get to know her, make sure to respect her boundaries and always observe her mood and her body language. Don’t rush things or pressure her into anything she’s not comfortable with. Remember, patience is a virtue. Calm down chief.

5. Seek Accountability

It’s important to have accountability in your pursuit. Talk to a mature Christian brother or your pastor in your church about your intentions and seek their genuine guidance and advice along the way.

    Remember, the goal is not just to win her heart but to honor God in the process by making the bed undefiled. So take it slow, trust in God’s timing, and let Him lead the way. You got this, bro!

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    How to Get Married to Your Dream Man/Woman as a Christian Single in 2024 Fri, 12 Apr 2024 22:58:30 +0000 [...]]]> How to Get Married to Your Dream Man/Woman as a Christian Single in 2024.

    Fulfilling the desire of many Christian singles, finding a life partner who shares their faith and values is a significant aspiration. In 2024, in a world where dating options are plentiful, the path to finding your ideal partner as a Christian single can be filled with both excitement and challenges. Nevertheless, by maintaining a positive mindset, persevering, and taking proactive measures, it is feasible to navigate this journey with optimism and determination.

    For Christian singles, finding a life partner who shares their faith and values is of utmost importance. The path to discovering this extraordinary individual goes beyond mere coincidences; it necessitates faith in the divine blueprint and proactive engagement in the pursuit of love.

    Prayer and Faith

    You should really pray hard for God’s will, intention, and direction for your marital journey if you are truly a Christian single who wants to get married in 2024, and keep believing in His perfect plan. Christian singles may find it easier to find a life partner if they pay attention to the spiritual side of their lives and make prayer a focus. They feel safe and sure as they go through life because they believe in God’s plan for them, which includes getting married.

    Find Out What You Can Do

    Christians who are single must have a deep understanding of who they are before they get married. To achieve this they really need to have a deep understanding of your own beliefs, interests, and goals. People can find suitable people who share their values and goals more easily if they are clear on what traits they want in a life partner.

    Active Participation in Church

    Christians who are single can meet people who share their faith and morals by getting involved in their church groups. By going to church events, working, and meeting with small groups, Christians can get to know each other and build a community that supports each other. Not only does this setting help people grow as people, but it also makes it more likely that they will meet their future spouse in a faith-based setting.

    Utilize Christian dating platforms.

    Modern technology has made Christian dating sites easy for people to find others who share their faith. These websites and apps are designed to help people find possible matches in a safe environment that respects Christian beliefs and values. Staying true to your religion, being honest in your resume, and putting important links ahead of shallow ones are all good ways to handle online dating.

    Look for genuine guidance from mentors.

    Seeking advice from trusted teachers, like preachers, spiritual leaders, or married couples, can help you understand the path to marriage better. Reading about the experiences of people who have been through similar things can give you insight, support, and useful tips on how to handle tricky situations and find God’s will.

    Stay Patient and Persistent

    While the desire to find a life partner may be strong, it’s essential for Christian singles to remain patient and persistent in their search for love. Recognizing that God’s timing is perfect, individuals can trust that the right person will come into their lives at the appointed time. Staying hopeful, maintaining a positive attitude, and continuing to actively pursue opportunities to meet potential partners are key components of this journey.

    Maintain Purity and Integrity

    As Christian singles navigate the path to marriage, it’s vital to uphold principles of purity and integrity in relationships. Setting boundaries, practicing self-discipline, and respecting oneself and others are fundamental aspects of living out Christian values in the context of dating. By prioritizing purity and integrity, individuals honor God and lay the groundwork for a healthy and fulfilling marriage.

    Attend Christian Singles Events

    Participating in Christian singles events, such as retreats, conferences, and gatherings, offers opportunities to meet and connect with other singles who share similar faith and values. These events provide a supportive and encouraging environment for individuals to build friendships, explore potential romantic connections, and grow in their relationship with God. Engaging in these activities fosters community and increases the likelihood of meeting a compatible life partner within a faith-based setting.

    Stay Open to God’s Will

    In the journey to marriage, it’s important for Christian singles to remain open to God’s will and direction. While individuals may have specific preferences or expectations for a partner, staying open-minded to unexpected paths and opportunities allows room for God’s plan to unfold. Trusting in God’s guidance and surrendering personal desires to His greater purpose cultivates a spirit of faith and obedience throughout the journey.

    Counseling and Pre-Marital Preparation

    As a relationship progresses towards marriage, seeking counseling and participating in pre-marital preparation are essential steps for building a strong foundation for the future. Professional counseling provides couples with tools and resources to navigate challenges, communicate effectively, and strengthen their bond. Additionally, pre-marital preparation programs offer guidance on important topics such as finances, conflict resolution, and spiritual intimacy, setting couples up for a successful and fulfilling marriage.

    Building a Strong Foundation

    Building a strong foundation for marriage involves cultivating a relationship centered on faith, love, and mutual respect. Couples are encouraged to prioritize spiritual growth, support each other’s goals and aspirations, and navigate challenges together with unwavering commitment and dedication. By building upon a foundation of trust, communication, and shared values, couples can create a lasting and meaningful partnership that honors God and reflects His love.

    Communication and Compromise

    Effective communication and a willingness to compromise are essential components of a healthy and thriving marriage. Couples are encouraged to openly express their thoughts, feelings, and needs, and actively listen to one another with empathy and understanding. By practicing patience, humility, and a spirit of cooperation, couples can navigate differences and conflicts constructively, strengthening their bond and deepening their connection as they journey through life together.

    In the quest to marry a dream man or woman as a Christian single in 2024, faith, patience, and proactive steps are essential. By prioritizing prayer, active participation in church communities, and seeking guidance from mentors, individuals can navigate the journey to marriage with hope, purpose, and trust in God’s plan. Upholding Christian values of purity, integrity, and communication, and building a strong foundation rooted in faith and love, couples can embark on a lifelong journey of partnership and companionship that honors God and reflects His love.


    1. Is it okay to use dating apps as a Christian single?
      • Yes, as long as you prioritize platforms that align with your Christian values and principles.
    2. How can I discern if someone is the right partner for me?
      • Prayer, introspection, and seeking advice from mentors can help in discerning God’s will for your relationship.
    3. What role does faith play in a Christian marriage?
      • Faith serves as the foundation of a Christian marriage, guiding couples in their relationship with God and each other.
    4. How can couples navigate disagreements and conflicts in marriage?
      • Effective communication, active listening, and a willingness to compromise are key to resolving conflicts constructively.
    5. What should I do if I’m struggling to find a life partner?
      • Stay patient, continue to trust in God’s plan, and actively participate in opportunities to meet potential partners within your faith community.
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    How To Tackle Marital Issues Completely – Pastor Jerry Eze Fri, 05 Apr 2024 22:56:31 +0000 [...]]]> HOW TO TACKLE MARITAL ISSUES – PASTOR JERRY UCHECHUKWU EZE

    There are ways to solve marital Issues in different homes. From my marriage and from other people’s relationships, sometimes, things go wrong and those things that are causing maato have crisis are very spiritual.

    The problem is that when you have talked in relationship and it seems like nothing is working, then you need to switch level.

    You need to be spiritually enough to understand that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and against powers.

    Everyday you are positioning attack with your husband, with your wife without knowing that the problem is spiritual.

    There are some things that should be tackle spiritually because the weapon of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty through God in pulling down strongholds, so stop complaining, you have quarreled enough, please switch into the battle.

    When a man or women learns to pray, there will be less conflict in the house. There is a time your spouse will be talking too much and you will know that this one is not of God, all you need to know is to switch into prayer mood.

    Your relationship is an assignment, so as things are going wrong, call unto God your father who sent you into that relationship.

    Most things that are happening in marriages cannot be ordinarily tackled, so for it to be tackled, something supernatural must be involved, so if the problem you are facing in your marriage does not seem like it is changing, hand it over to God.

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