14 Amazing Reasons God Created Grandparents

14 Amazing Reasons God Created Grandparents
14 Amazing Reasons God Created Grandparents

Having our grandparents alive and well is one of the best things God did for us as children. They love our families and bring a lot of love into our lives. But God didn’t make them just to spoil our kids. There is something special about grandparents that makes them special in our lives. God made them for amazing reasons.

1. A grandparent’s love never ends and isn’t based on anything else.

They love their grandkids very much and they are happy to have them around. They love their grandkids, but that doesn’t mean they agree with everything they do or say. If they don’t, most of them will say something. They also love and are there for their older children at all times.

2. They keep the family together

Sometimes, the grandparents are the one thing that keeps a family together. When someone becomes a parent, they usually focus on their close family members, like their partner or spouse, and any other children they may give birth to.

They also pay attention to what their families need right now. But grandparents help us remember where we came from
and how our families have lived on.

3. They are a way to get help

One of the best people to lean on is our grandparents. There is always someone there to listen or cry on, no matter what is going on in our lives.

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4. They are smart

Having lived for a long time, grandparents have a lot of life experience to share with younger groups. Their stories and tips make our lives better and teach us what to do in certain scenarios.

5. Giving the Gift of Life

Our Granny and grandpa pass on the traditions of their families from one generation to the next through their stories and strong advice. We won’t forget them in our lifetime because they keep telling us not to forget where we came from.

6. To teach us

Our grandparents gave more than just life lessons to us. Along with their other skills, they also provide instruction on cooking, sweeping, running errands, fixing a bulb, and more. If your grandmother says they can teach you something, do it. It’s something you might need to know how to do again.

7. People who pray for us

No matter what, grandparents are always willing to talk about their faith and pray for us. You can be sure that they will always go to God with courage on our behalf.

8. We have prayer warriors with us

Also, our grandparents are happy to pray with us for our situation and for other people’s as well. They have prayed and talked to the Lord for many years about going to war to pray for other people.

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9. Teach us about having faith

They might be the first people to teach us about hope. When we are little, they take us to church, buy us our first Bibles, and take us to Sunday school.

10. Demonstrate the principles of living a Christian life

They succeed at showing how to live a Christian life. This involves engaging in personal Bible study, offering prayers, attending worship services, promoting positive relationships with community members, practicing forgiveness, and extending a helping hand to those in need.

11. Intense Affection

Our grandparents, having grown up in an earlier day, tend to employ a “tough love” approach when it comes to their children. They refrain from overly pampering their children, unlike many parents in today’s society. Instead, they discipline them, which is a way of expressing love and guiding them toward understanding right from wrong.

For after all, Proverbs 13:24 says, “Those who don’t spank their children hate them.” Parents who love their kids will punish them.

12. Life Lessons

We learn a lot about life from our grandparents. You might learn that if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all, or that it’s hard to do good things.

The first thing they’ll tell us is that life doesn’t always go as planned, but we should still be thankful that we have the breath to live it.

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13. To See the Good in Us

Our grandparents always see the best in us, even when we don’t. They cheer us on and fight for us, and that makes all the difference.

Hearing their words of support and knowing that they see the good in us takes away any bad things that we may hear.

14. Show how to have good relationships with adults

For kids, seeing how grandparents treat their grandchildren should show them how to treat adults well. Respect, honesty, and love for each other should always be the basis.

But adults do argue from time to time. This will teach kids that even good relationships have rough spots, but people work through them and move on.

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