What Is a Jezebel Spirit Known For?

What Is a Jezebel Spirit Known For?
What Is a Jezebel Spirit Known For?

You can be sure when someone tells you, “You’re such a Jezebel,” they were not being nice at all to you.
Jezebel was the wicked queen and the wife of the wicked King Ahab. She was known for killing, being immoral, and having many affairs. But she was also a pain for the prophet Elijah, and she led Israel wrong by making them worship gods from other places (1 Kings 18).

The Spirit of Jezebel

Some of us may have heard of Jezebel, but not everyone has heard of a Jezebel spirit. Although the Bible never says the exact words “Jezebel spirit,” the name “Jezebel” is used in a bad way in both the Old and New Testaments.
What Jezebel’s spirit means can change depending on who you are and what religion you come from (mostly charismatic). The most general one will do, though: A trait, or evil influence, that causes problems in the church and in relationships by tricking, seducing, and being sneaky.

What did Jezebel do? What kinds of monsters are there, and how do they work? How does this relate to the spirit of Jezebel?

What did Jezebel do?

There aren’t any specific texts in the Bible that talk about the “Jezebel spirit,” but there is a lot written about Jezebel, the Phoenician woman who became queen.
We could go into every single Bible verse that talks about who she was and what she did, but to keep this piece short, we’ll just talk about a few.
When Jezebel and King Ahab took the throne, Israel’s government was not sure what would happen next. She brought foreign gods back to Israel to worship (1 Kings 18), killed the Lord’s prophets (1 Kings 18:4), killed a man without a reason to take his vineyard (1 Kings 21:1-22:53), threatened to kill the prophet Elijah (1 Kings 19), and killed anyone who spoke out against her bringing Baal worship into the kingdom.
To put it simply, she wasn’t a good example.
In 2 Kings 9:30–37, Jezebel is killed horribly when she is thrown out of a window and crushed by horses. But not before she destroyed many lives.
The Jezebel spirit seems to do the same thing: bad things happen to everyone who gets in its way.

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Is there a network of evil spirits?

Not everyone agrees on the exact order of evil spirits, but Hell seems to take the model from heaven by having ranks of evil spirits. There doesn’t have to be an order, but we can all agree that different devils seem to do different things.

Some can make people dumb or blind (Mark 3:20–30), and others can make the people they possess hurt themselves (Mark 5:1–20).
In order to make a point, let’s say there are different kinds of demons or evil beings that do different things, with or without a system.

What makes a Jezebel soul different?

It seems to be different from other spirits that are more driven by hunger because this one is more likely to be sneaky and polite. It’s evil because it tries to tear families and religions apart from the inside.
Once more, different religious groups don’t agree on what this spirit is like, but it does seem to have traits of hate, seduction, cunning, and manipulation, just like Queen Jezebel.

What Should We Do If We Meet a Jezebel Spirit?

If we come across someone who we think has a Jezebel spirit or who seems to be a Christian who has gone wrong and shows many of the above traits, we should do the following:.

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First, pray to God. Question him on how to be wise and how to best deal with someone who has turned away from God. And pray for the person who is being swayed by hate, jealousy, or seduction.
The second thing we should do is follow church discipline and talk to the person about how they have hurt us (Matthew 18:15–20). It’s possible that they won’t like the feedback if they do have a Jezebel spirit or traits of a Jezebel spirit.

Third, know the difference between being possessed by a demon and being influenced by a demon. Talk to the church leaders about figuring out what the main differences are. A spirit of Jezebel seems to have an impact, but there could be times when this isn’t the case.
Believe that God will give you the words, tools, and Bible verses you need to deal with the problem. He can save every soul that is lost and bring back every lost son.

At End Game Press, Hope Bolinger is an acquisitions editor. She also works as a book editor for hire and has written almost 30 books. More than 1500 of her works have been published in different places. Hope Bolinger’s clean books are great for both kids and adults. You can find them at hopebolinger.com. If you want to hire her to edit your next book, you can look at her page on Reedsy.com.

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